Three ordinations is a huge accomplishment for our small diocese! God-willing, we hope for three more next spring!
There has been an amazing re-sponse to the Challenge Gift for YFS 2020. We appreciate everyone who has given! Funding our vocations program is hard work and we need your help. Fr. Joe Gouin has offered a challenge gift: for every $1,000 given to Yoopers for Seminarians this year, $250 will be donated to the Seminarian Endowment (a fund of the U.P. Catholic Foundation), up to a total of $25,000!
To earn this match, then, we need to raise $100,000 during 2020! This is a REALLY impactful gift, because it strengthens our ability to pay for vocations promotion and seminarian education right now (the $100,000 goal) as well as build up the Seminarian Endowment to pro-vide sustainable funding into the future (the $25,000 challenge gift).
To date, because of your generosity, we have already raised $37,165.87 toward the $100,000 goal. Your gift benefits future priests both now and over the long haul.
Consider making a bold gift to YFS this year to take advantage of this generous matching challenge! Your gift will help us to build a culture of vocations as well as to educate our seminarians now and in the future.