Faithful from across the Diocese of Marquette came together at the Diocesan Eucharistic Congress, with more than 1,500 people in attendance. It was held June 9 – 10 at the Superior Dome in Marquette. The theme was ‘One Thing is Necessary,’ taken from Jesus’ words in Luke 10:42.
Speakers included Dr. Edward Sri, Father John Riccardo, Father Luke Spannagel, Steve Ray, and musicians Dave and Lauren Moore. Many exhibitors also had booths available for Eucharistic Congress attendees to visit throughout the two-day event.
Dave and Lauren Moore began the event with music before Bishop John Doerfler addressed those present. “This is a time for us to open up our hearts in gratitude,” Bishop Doerfler said in his opening welcome to the Eucharistic Congress attendees, “and the word ‘Eucharist’ means ‘thanksgiving.’ We are here…to give thanks and praise to God for the many blessings he gives us, in particular, the most precious gift of his Son, the precious gift of his Son that is given to us from this very altar.”
Bishop Doerfler invited attendees to “open up [their hearts] to the grace that the Lord wants to give [them].”
After Bishop Doerfler welcomed attendees, Fr. Spannagel spoke before the opening Mass. Bishop Doerfler was the principal celebrant of both the opening and closing Masses, with priests of the diocese and visiting priests concelebrating, and deacons assisting. Fr. Riccardo was the homilist for the Friday Mass and Bishop Doerfler for the Saturday Mass. Confessions were heard by priests on both days of the event. Dr. Sri gave the first of his talks after Mass. An hour of adoration held at the Superior Dome was followed by benediction and a Eucharistic procession to St. Michael parish in Marquette, where all-night Eucharistic adoration was held for those who wished to spend time in prayer.
Dave and Lauren Moore began the second day of the Eucharistic Congress with music. Shortly after, another Eucharistic procession took place. The second procession went around the exterior of the Superior Dome and was followed by Eucharistic adoration and benediction. After the procession and adoration, younger children and teenagers participated in the kid’s program and the teen leadership programs. The kid’s program was presented by the diocesan Totus Tuus missionaries and was held at the Physical Education Instruction Facility (PEIF), while the teen leadership program was presented by local youth ministers and was held at St. Michael parish in Marquette. The main stage program for adults ran while the programs for younger children and teenagers did, and attendees were able to hear talks from Steve Ray, Dr. Sri, Fr. Riccardo, and Fr. Spannagel. Dave and Lauren Moore also continued their music at various points throughout the day, and Dr. Sri gave the final keynote on the main stage prior to the closing Mass.
“In this celebration of the Mass, we have the source and summit of our entire life,” Bishop Doerfler said in his homily at the closing Mass on Saturday evening. “The Lord has drawn you here to work in your life and in your heart, not only for you, but also for the benefit of others.” Bishop Doerfler also said in his homily, “When we have the opportunity to receive holy Communion, the Holy Spirit unites us so closely in this offering that we are receiving everything from the Father, and with the Son we are to give everything back to him. So when we receive holy Communion, when we participate in this Mass, offer on this altar everything…Offer him your heart. Offer him your love.”
“One goal of the Congress was to get the family together from around the U.P. so people could interact and deepen their sense of connection and unity around the Eucharist. I think we succeeded with that,” Father Ryan Ford, pastor of St. John the Evangelist and St. Joseph parishes in Ishpeming, said. “There was a sense of joy at being together - young and old, clergy and religious, families and children - with national speakers encouraging us and helping us understand our calling and the mission that flows from the Eucharist.”
The Eucharistic Revival will continue with the National Eucharistic Congress, which will be held July 17-21, 2024, at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. For more information regarding the National Eucharistic Congress, visit