Every priestly vocation begins with an invitation from God. It takes a community of people to support a man in hearing this invitation and taking steps to pursue and discern this high call. Most often this begins in the community of the family as the man grows up; such was the case with Dcn. Zack Mazurek.
Dcn. Mazurek’s parents, Jerry and Angie Mazurek, first met at an interview weekend for NET Ministries in 1990. They were both accepted as NET missionaries where they led retreats to help middle and high schoolers to better follow Christ. They became closer friends and began dating after their two years of NET service. The couple married in 1994.
Growing up in Ontonagon, Jerry said he had good memories of Fr. David Harris, the late pastor of Holy Family Parish in Ontonagon. Fr. Harris served at Holy Family from 1971 until his retirement in 1995. He passed away in February of 2009. “Through the years, he was an extended part of our family,” Jerry said. He would also take all the altar servers out on outings such as Michigan Technological University hockey games.
Jerry’s relationship with the Lord was greatly impacted through Youth Encounter growing up and then his time with NET Ministries. Angie agreed that growing up, her family would invite priests over for dinner and they were part of the family. Additionally, NET Ministries helped her grow in her faith when she was in high school and as a missionary.
Angie and Jerry encouraged their children to practice the faith by going to Mass every weekend, even when traveling. “We would pray before bed, kneel and pray together, and ask what they’re thankful for. Sunday Mass was non-negotiable. It became such a habit to get up and go to Mass,” said Jerry. “When the kids hit high school, we never pushed them in one direction, we encouraged them to pray about different directions and pray where the Lord may be calling them to.” They brought their children to events such as Totus Tuus, Vacation Bible School, youth Masses, and Youth Encounter to build them up in the faith through interactions with other young people.
Both weren’t surprised when their son applied to seminary, but Angie said, “[I] felt very humbled that God would choose [our] son as a priest.” She recalled an instance when Fr. Corey Litzner was preaching about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Dcn. Mazurek was in second grade at the time and altar serving. “Zack looked up at the cross—the look on his face was just glowing—like his face on the vocations poster. He so lovingly looked at the cross,” Angie said.
Angie and Jerry have supported their son through his time in seminary through prayer and penance, visiting him at the seminary and at his parish summer internships, as well as financially. They’re also grateful to be part of the community of seminarians and newly ordained priests’ families.
“You never know what God is calling your kids to. Be supportive of it and be open to it. Yes, God has given us these children, but they’re His, and we need to give them back to Him when they become adults,” Jerry said.
Earlier this month Dcn. Mazurek began his final semester of seminary. God willing, he will be ordained to the priesthood on June 6, 2025 at St. Peter Cathedral in Marquette.
Editor’s note: A Youth Encounter Weekend is a retreat for high schoolers led by their peers to “witness to the message, power, and love of Jesus Christ.” Find out more information at youthencounter906.com.