This Catholic Press Month, The U.P. Catholic welcomes its new communications specialist, Catrina “Caty” Mraz. She hails from Grand Blanc, Mich., and earned her professional communications degree from the University of Michigan-Flint in Flint, Mich.
Check out the Q&A below to meet Mraz as she shares what she’s looking forward to while being a part of the communications team for the Diocese of Marquette.
Tell me about yourself: I was born and raised in Grand Blanc in the lower peninsula of Michigan and attended Church of the Holy Family until moving to Marquette. My experiences there and being raised in the Catholic faith have always been an important and influential part of my life. My father has been a particular role model for me with regards to my faith. In my spare time I enjoy writing and drawing, and spending time with my family.
I have also had the privilege of being able to attend the ordination of my uncle, Paul Lochner, to the diaconate in 2020, which was very interesting to me as I have never witnessed an ordination before. He has also been a role model for me in my faith for many years. I’ve always loved the U.P., and have vacationed in it for many years and am looking forward to exploring more of it now that I’m living here, though the winters will take some getting used to!
Your educational background is in communications, what you are looking forward to most about working in Catholic communications for the Diocese of Marquette? After high school, I initially attended Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Mich., which also helped me grow stronger in my faith and grow closer to the Lord. I had not initially been sure of what I wanted to pursue, but decided on communications while I was studying there. Eventually I transferred schools and moved back closer to home to attend UM-Flint, where I continued with my communications studies.
Before my graduation, I was a communications intern with the Flint City Bucks soccer team and helped with press releases and social media posts for the team. I am looking forward to being able to utilize what I’ve learned in my college education and combining that with my faith, while meeting many new people and getting out important messages across the diocese. There is much to do, and I am excited to see what the Lord will have in store!
As we approach the Eucharistic Congress in the Diocese of Marquette this June, and the national congress in 2024, do you have an experience to share of a powerful experience regarding the Eucharist, or would you mind sharing what the Eucharist means to you? When I was younger, Holy Family always offered retreats that used to be known as CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish) retreats, and my dad had gone on many. I always got the feeling that he had come back stronger and renewed in his faith, and I had always wanted to go on one, though I had to be 18 to attend the women’s weekend.
When I got the chance I went with my grandma, and they had a chance for adoration. I have always loved adoration and the peace it gives me, but that weekend in particular affected me — the love and peace I felt in the presence of the Eucharist was overwhelming, and it brought me to tears. The Eucharist has always been a very important part of my life, and to me, it is one of the most special things about the Catholic faith.
Who is your favorite saint OR what is your favorite devotion? My confirmation saint was St. Maria Goretti. I have always admired her strong dedication to chastity, as well as her faith. I also admire St. Philomena, another young saint, for the very same reasons. I have also felt a very strong devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
What is your advice for Catholics young and old? Pray! Always pray! It is a very important part of our beautiful faith — God wants you to talk to Him. You are so important to Him, and prayer is the perfect opportunity to tell Him how you are feeling, whether good or bad. It can be done anywhere, anytime, and that is the greatest part about prayer. And pray with Mary, too — she is both Jesus’ mother and ours, and I think knowing that she will intercede for us is wonderful, and a comfort.